Genesislink at TCXpo 2023: Revolutionizing System Safety Engineering Tools

Picture of Mary Yazdani

Mary Yazdani

Chief Executive Officer

Genesislink, alongside its innovative startup, Robosafety, proudly participated in the prestigious TCXpo 2023 event held in Ottawa.

This event, known as the only Canadian smart mobility demonstration day of its kind, celebrated companies at the forefront of the smart mobility revolution across the nation.

The TCXpo brought together visionaries who are not only developing and commercializing multidisciplinary solutions but also addressing grand challenges and market opportunities that span across various sectors. From intelligent transportation to defense, public safety, security, aerospace, environment, smart agriculture, and telecommunications, these pioneers are reshaping the landscape of smart mobility.

However, it wasn’t just about showcasing technologies. Companies at TCXpo actively engaged with potential customers, investors, employees, and partners. They explored new market opportunities and, in the process, demonstrated Canada’s significant impact in the world of smart mobility.

We extend our sincere thanks to all the companies and collaborators who made TCXpo 2023 a resounding success, allowing hundreds of participants to engage, learn, and witness smart mobility technologies in action. This event exemplified the thriving and collaborative national ecosystem in Canada.

In particular, we would like to express our gratitude to the Startup ecosystem of Canada. Your support and innovation-driven mindset are instrumental in propelling the tech industry forward.

We were honored to be showcased by CTV reporter, Rosey Edeh. For those interested in viewing the segment, you can find it here . Additionally, our advancements were highlighted in Electronics and Product Technology, which can be accessed, here is the link.

At Robosafety, we are passionate about revolutionizing safety engineering.

In an era where robotics and autonomous systems are becoming integral, our tools, including fault tree analysis tool, are gaining immense attention. These tools are designed to reduce costs and ensure safer outcomes across various industries.

Safety engineering is paramount, and our tools play a vital role in making products and high-tech engineering services safe from the design stage onward. We believe in creating a world where innovation and safety go hand in hand, and TCXpo 2023 was a testament to that vision.

Together, we are taking on the world, and together, we are making it safer. Here’s to a future where safety knows no bounds. It’s better to be safe by design than be sorry by accident🚀🌍

#TCXpo2023 #SmartMobility #SafetyEngineering #Innovation #StartupEcosystem #Robosafety

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